Versão em Português

Sustainable Tapajós

Conservation International Brasil (CI-Brasil)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 18,835,139.00
Total support amount
US$ 5,916,859.55



Support the strengthening of sustainable community-based forest production and contribute to the valorization and conservation of the natural resources of the Tapajós region


Extractivists, small farmers, members of Protected Areas management councils

Territorial scope

State of Pará, municipalities of Santarém, Aveiro, Belterra, Itaituba, Jacareacanga, Placas, Rurópolis and Trairão. Five UC's: Tapajós National Forest, Itaituba I National Forest, Crepori National Forest, National Trairão Forest and Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve



The area covered by the project is the Tapajós Region, which has part of its territory conserved and preserved, mainly due to the existence of conservation units and indigenous lands. However, it is necessary to reinforce the governance of these protected areas and sustainable production activities, since the illegal occupation of some forest areas leads to a dynamics characterized by land grabbing, deforestation of the remaining areas, burning and forest fires, illegal exploitation of timber, gold and other minerals and, therefore, loss of biodiversity and social impacts. In the regional economy, there is a predominance of primary sector activities, namely grain agriculture (soybean, rice, corn) and cattle breeding. The average HDI (0.57) of the municipalities is below the national average (0.75), with little basic sanitation and health care, low schooling and social, land and environmental conflicts.

In the Tapajós National Forest (FLONA Tapajós), sustainable community-based timber production is well organized and the Tapajós National Forest Mixed Cooperative - COOMFLONA, a commercial entity representative of FLONA communities, extracts wooden logs for commercialization, as well as using branches for the production of furniture. Since 2014, COOMFLONA has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for international recognition of wood products resulting from environmentally sustainable forest management.

The Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve was indicated by ICMBIO as a Protected Area (PA) with potential for the introduction of community timber management, considering the existence of local organizations mobilized to carry out this activity, some of which already have prior Authorizations to the Technical Analysis of Sustainable Forest Management Plan (APAT) approved by that body.

In all the PAs covered by the project, there is potential for the development of non-timber forest product chains such as rubbers, waxes, fibers, oils, foodstuffs, aromatic and medicinal products, resins and dyes. Most of these products are still handcrafted, with low quality, inadequate processing, informally and are marketed on a small scale.

The qualification of extractivists and community members who will benefit from the project is extremely low, since the vast majority do not have access to formal education and are not benefited by educational initiatives offered by other organizations. In consequence, they have little capacity for management of their representative and productive organizations and little knowledge of technologies for sustainable production and other actions related to the strengthening of wood and non-timber productive chains.

The National Forests Crepori, Trairão and Itaituba I, also included in the project, have management plans elaborated and approved, but outdated, with low execution. Their management councils are disaggregated, which requires actions focused on revising plans and strengthening these advisory bodies.


One of the outputs envisaged in the project is the strengthening of community-based timber production chains in Tapajós and Tapajós-Arapiuns RESEX. In Flona Tapajós, a processing unit will be erected, aiming at the production and commercialization of products with higher added value, in order to increase the revenue resulting from this activity and the incomes of the local population involved. The project also includes the replication of the community timber management experience for the Tapajós-Arapiuns RESEX, through the support to the production of the timber management plan and the acquisition of the necessary equipment for the beginning of this activity in that Reserve. In this way, the project will contribute to the expansion of an activity that has the potential to consolidate itself as a sustainable alternative to the extraction of illegal timber by generating income for the traditional populations. A business plan and a forecasting study of the demand for sustainably managed timber and training actions for community timber management and timber processing will also be carried out.

Another expected output is the strengthening of productive chains of non-timber products. This initiative will allow both the identification of business opportunities related to these productive chains and the selection, through a call-for-bids, of subprojects of community organizations, of investments aimed at improving processes and increasing the scale of production. This proposed output also includes a diagnosis of these value chains, an action plan with actions for the development of these chains, a forecasting study of demand for these products, and training actions on management techniques.

A third expected output focuses on improving managerial skills of community members and strengthening social organization. Training related to the management of small businesses will be offered, adapted to the characteristics of the target public. Training for the Itaituba I, Crepori and Trairão UC's management councils will also be upgraded, updating the management plans of these APs, aiming to effective management.

The project also includes the dissemination of its actions in different media (print, videos, social networks), events of exchange of experiences and expenses related to management.


This project falls under the “sustainable production” (1) and "land-use planning" (3) component of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.



Date of approval 10.23.2017
Date of the contract 12.18.2017
Disbursement period 66 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 05.28.2018 R$4,612,668.96
2º disbursements 11.11.2021 R$7,961,538.00
3º disbursements 12.16.2022 R$5,031,425.03
4º disbursements 06.16.2023 R$1,229,500.00
Total amount disbursed R$18,835,131.99

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



The main activities carried out by the project were:

  • Obtaining a license for the installation of a wood processing industry in the Tapajós National Forest (Flona Tapajós). The company responsible for the structural project and other technical specifications was selected and contracted, as well as the consultancy that will develop the demand and feasibility study and the business plan;
  • Preparation of the terms of reference for hiring a consultancy to prepare a risk diagnosis, a plan, and mentoring actions for the Mixed Cooperative of the Tapajós National Forest (COOMFLONA);
  • Development of structural, electrical, and hydro-sanitary projects for the three artisanal furniture warehouses that will be built as part of the strengthening and revitalization of timber by-product (fallen wood) chains;
  • Together with COOMFLONA, conducting interviews with residents of 23 communities in Flona Tapajós to map socio-biodiversity products that are produced and managed. This information will be used in the demand forecast study for non-timber productive chains and the value chain promotion diagnosis, for which the terms of reference for contracting have already been prepared. These studies are preliminary steps to the public call, the final version of which is in progress;
  • Selection of the Amazon Research Institute (Ipam) to carry out the mapping and engagement of potential beneficiaries of the public notice;
  • Establishment of a committee formed by institutions of different legal natures operating in the territory, including COOMFLONA itself, to monitor the installation of the processing industry;
  • Initial conception of the training plan called “Tapajós Forest Knowledge,” aimed at developing skills and capacities to enable local communities to develop forest production chains sustainably, exchanging knowledge and experiences;
  • Development of a visual identity for the project, a communication plan, and an image bank, which began being populated with photos and videos collected during visits to the communities. Communication materials such as signs and stickers were also produced;
  • Hosting a webinar with the theme “Decade of Ecosystem Restoration” and the title “Conservation, Management, and Restoration: Ensuring Tapajós’ Natural Assets for Future Generations,” in partnership with the Amazon Conservation Alliance;
  • Development of the management transparency module through the Power BI (Microsoft) tool, which allows the creation of dashboards and interactive reports on products and services, technical execution, financial execution, budget forecast, implementation status, and products by conservation units. It is available on the website:


Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.