Versão em Português

Integrated Environmental Socioeconomic Development Project (PDSEAI)

State of Rondônia - State Secretariat for Environmental Development (Sedam-RO)

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 35,576,602.00
Total support amount
US$ 13,382,212.30



To provide support for environmental management, including efforts aimed at protecting state conservation units, consolidating the rural environmental registration (CAR) and strengthening municipal environmental management, by helping combat deforestation and forest degradation in the state of Rondônia


Rural producers and both state and municipal administrative structures within the state

Territorial scope

State of Rondônia



The Rondônia territory was converted into a state in 1982 via Federal Complementary Act Nº 41. The then 13 municipalities were joined by a further 39, totaling 52 today. Occupation of the territory was carried out in a disorderly fashion along the main highways, favoring the development of economic activities that stimulated deforestation. These included farming and cattle-raising, as well as the commercialization of lumber. These activities have even moved towards the conservation units.

The state of Rondônia covers an area of 237,590 km², of which 35% is classified as protected areas. The State Secretariat of Environmental Development (SEDAM) was created in 2000, with headquarters in the city of Porto Velho, and currently has 14 regional offices.


Project efforts seek to help combat deforestation and forest degradation in the state of Rondônia via monitoring and control, land-use planning, as well as support to develop sustainable production activities.

Within monitoring and control, and land-use planning, efforts that stand apart include those aimed at protecting state conservation units, consolidating the rural environmental registration (CAR), and strengthening municipal environmental management.

The project is focusing on critical areas suffering from deforestation and conflict, especially in the surrounding areas of the conservation units and the five (5) municipalities that have been listed by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) as priority municipalities for preventing, monitoring and controlling deforestation.

Efforts in the project will also add a perspective for sustainable economic development to the socio-environmental goals. Highlights include the diagnosis of the planted forests in the state of Rondônia, and the implementation of a state policy to place forests with sustainable productivity up for concession.


The project falls within the "Sustainable Production" (1), "Monitoring and Control" (2) and "Land Use Planning" (3) components of the Amazon Fund's Logical Framework.

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs are linked to the expected outcomes and impacts.


Date of approval 01.21.2014
Date of the contract 03.14.2014
Disbursement period 99 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 07.03.2014 R$10,642,000.00
2º disbursements 12.24.2020 R$5,255,194.29
3º disbursements 06.29.2022 R$10,817,562.43
Total amount disbursed R$26,714,756.72

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



A diagnosis of planted forests in the state of Rondônia; Socioeconomic and Administrative Diagnoses of the state’s 52 municipalities as a subsidy for the revision of the state’s Socioeconomic and Ecological Zoning (ZSEE), under review and approval by the State Zoning Commission; and a Management Plan for the Serra dos Reis State Park were held.

To support the implementation of the CAR in rural properties with up to four fiscal modules, 15 vehicles, 10 motorcycles, 50 desktop computers, 75 notebooks, 15 GPS devices that collect data and informative materials (pamphlets, folders and banners) were acquired for the dissemination campaigns. and sensitization of rural producers to join the CAR.

Training in QGIS was carried out for 70 Sedam technicians, in addition to the acquisition of 4 notebooks and 10 desktops to strengthen the state deforestation monitoring system. The renovation and expansion of the secretariat's remote sensing laboratory was completed.

Structural actions were carried out by 20 municipal environmental secretariats (SMMA) to advance local-impact environmental licensing, with the acquisition of 20 vehicles and 20 computer kits, as well as furniture items. 60 municipal technicians were trained in environmental management.

320 civil servants from various state institutions were trained to act in the inspection around and inside the State Conservation Units. And for this purpose, 5 trucks, 15 vehicular GPS devices and 15 notebooks were acquired. The project also supported the revival and signaling of 2800 km² of limits in 40 UCs and the lease of rotary wing aircraft per hour flight to reinforce illegal deforestation monitoring actions.



Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.