Versão em Português

Environmental Regularization

The Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS)

Project official website



To support the environmental regularization process in the Amazon biome, through: i) land cover and use mapping; ii) calculation of environmental liabilities in permanent preservation areas (APP) of water bodies and potential areas for recovery in protected areas and indigenous lands; and iii) integration of geospatial data into the Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR)


People and institutions that may use information related to environmental liabilities in permanent preservation areas (APP) of water bodies and potential areas for recovery in protected areas and indigenous lands, as well as the Brazilian government and state environmental bodies, which will have a geospatial database integrated into the Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR)

Territorial scope

Amazon biome



The Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), provided for by the current Forestry Code (Law n. 12,651/2012), consists of a nationwide public electronic registry, compulsory for all rural properties, containing georeferenced spatial information of rural properties, including the delimitation of permanent protection areas (APP), legal reserves (RL), remnants of native vegetation, consolidated rural area and areas of social interest and public utility. The CAR is aimed at integrating the environmental information of rural properties and land possessions, composing a database for control, monitoring, environmental and economic planning and fight against deforestation.

Owners or possessors register with the CAR through the provision of this information in the Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR). After registration, the state environmental agency analyzes and validates the registries. In case of identification of environmental liabilities in the property registered, the rural owner or settler may require the adherence to Environmental Regularization Program (PRA), which is the set of actions or initiatives to be developed by rural owners and settlers to adapt and promote the environmental regularization.

The CAR and the PRA are, thus, important instruments to recover the vegetation cover and their effective implementation contributes to the achievement of commitments taken by the Brazilian Government regarding the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gas emissions in the Paris Agreement. In addition, the environmental recovery of degraded or deforested areas ensure the maintenance of environmental services such as climate regulation and maintenance of water bodies.

The project contributes to the implementation of the CAR, since it aims to produce a georeferenced database about the coverage of the land use in the Amazon biome that will allow integration as a new module of the SICAR and will support the steps of analysis and validation of the CAR by the states.


The project proposes to perform the land cover and use mapping, and mapping and update of hydrographic networks of the entire Amazon biome, in high-precision scale (1:20.000), with satellite images used in the System for Rural Environmental Registry (SICAR) as reference. This mapping will enable the monitoring of land use in the range of properties, protected areas and indigenous lands, as well as enable the demarcation of permanent preservation areas (APP) of water bodies and the calculation of environmental liabilities in APPs of water.

The maps generated will be consolidated into a georeferenced database that will be integrated into SICAR, composing a new module of the platform, with free access to state and municipal administrators. Such database will be an instrument of analysis and validation of registries for the states and municipalities, allowing for better visualization of APPs of water bodies, as well as of the land use and cover in the rural properties of the Amazon biome.

Finally, the project provides for the dissemination of information generated along with the bodies responsible for the implementation of the environmental policy in the states of the Amazon biome, Ministry of Environment, managing bodies of protected areas and indigenous lands.

Thus, the project will contribute to the identification of environmental liabilities and to the improvement in the process of analysis and validation of registries with the SICAR.  In addition, the thematic bases and the maps generated by the project can serve as a subsidy to implementation of the CAR and other public policies aimed at the control of deforestation, environmental management, restoration of vegetation cover, and management of water resources in the local, state and federal spheres.


The project is part of the components “monitoring and control” (2) and “science, innovation and economic instruments” (4) of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.

The project proposes to map the land cover and hydrography for all the Amazon biome in the best scale available, as well as to map and calculate the liabilities of areas of permanent preservation (APPs) of water for the entire biome. The products generated will be consolidated into a georeferenced database, which will be integrated into the SICAR, composing a new module of the platform to support the steps of analysis and validation of the CAR by the states.

Thus, the project will contribute to the direct effect "structured and modernized institutions of environmental monitoring, control and accountability" (2.1) of the component “monitoring and control”, as well as to the direct effect "knowledge and technologies for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, monitoring and control of deforestation and land use planning, which were produced, disseminated and used" (4.1), of the component "science, innovation and economic instruments".

The project is expected to contribute to the implementation of the CAR, in addition to subsidizing the implementation of other instruments of the Forest Code and the other public policies aimed at the control of deforestation and environmental management.


Date of approval 12.03.2018
Date of the contract 02.07.2019
Date of conclusion 03.20.2023
Disbursement period 45 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 06.14.2019 R$2,226,482.79
2º disbursements 04.29.2020 R$2,765,763.72
3º disbursements 05.12.2021 R$2,788,283.72
4º disbursements 03.25.2022 R$1,486,469.77
Total amount disbursed R$9,267,000.00

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



The mappings of the use and coverage of the soil and the hydrographic network were carried out, as well as the spatialization of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) for 315 municipalities, totaling 341,602,300 hectares in the states of Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Roraima and Tocantins.

In addition, 2,204 maps were prepared in order to spatialize the liabilities of water APPs from the same municipalities, 110 conservation units and 126 indigenous lands. For each municipality and protected area a set of four printable layout maps is produced, being:

  • APP: contains the boundary marking of the APPs, and the information of the total area destined for restoration;
  • Hydrography: contains the bodies of water, mapped by the project, and information on their extent;
  • Mosaic of satellite images: presents the satellite images used for the classification of land use and adequacy of hydrography;
  • Land use: contains the six land use classes and area information occupied by each one.

Regarding the dissemination of information to the agencies responsible for the implementation of the environmental policy in the states of the Amazon biome, management bodies of conservation units and indigenous lands, as well as the integration of the information generated by the project to SICAR, highlighting: 

  • Specific presentation of data from the state of Amazonas to the Institute of Environmental Protection of Amazonas, linked to the Secretary of State for the Environment (IPAAM/SEMA);
  • Alignment with the Secretary of Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS) of the State of Pará and the Integrated Center for Environmental Monitoring (CIMAM) with the transfer of data and products generated in the project and meetings between the technical teams to optimize the information;
  • Presentation of mapping data for all states of the Amazon biome during the 8th National Meeting of the Rural Environmental Registry, organized by the SFB in partnership with the states;
  • Signing of a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) between FBDS and the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) to use the results of the products developed to improve methodologies, systems, and public policies related to the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR); and incorporation of the land use and land cover maps and hydrographic network produced in the Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR), as well as the free access module, containing the spatial database developed under this cooperation.

Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.