Versão em Português

More Sustainability in the Countryside

State of Maranhão

Project official website
Total project value
R$ 41,212,345.00
Total support amount
US$ 12,191,589.46



Support the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) in the State of Maranhão


Owners or settlers of family rural properties with up to four fiscal modules that develop agrosilvopastoral activities, including settlements, agrarian reform projects and traditional communities that make collective use of their territory

Territorial scope

State of Maranhão



The Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) consists of the electronic register of geo-referenced spatial information of rural properties, with delimitation of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP), Legal Reserve (RL), remnants of native vegetation, consolidated rural area and areas of social interest and public utility, in order to draw a digital map from which the values of the areas for environmental diagnosis are calculated. 

With the promulgation of the new Forest Code (Law nº 12.651 / 2012), the CAR was established as an electronic public registry of national scope, mandatory for all rural properties, with the purpose of integrating the environmental information of rural properties and land possessions, composing a database for environmental and economic control, monitoring and planning and combating deforestation. In addition, Decrees nº 7.830 / 2012 and 8.235 / 2014 established general and complementary norms, respectively, that must be observed by the states in the implementation of the cadastre. 

In this context, the BNDES, through the Amazon Fund, plays an important role in supporting projects for CAR implementation, and the Amazon Fund Steering Committee (COFA) has maintained this theme as one of the priority focus of action for 2017 and 2018.


The project aims to register 100% of the rural properties with up to four tax modules located in the 217 municipalities of the state of Maranhão, with support from the Amazon Fund for the registration of 182,500 properties in this category. The project also includes support for registration in traditional communities that make collective use of their territory, with emphasis on quilombola communities, with a significant presence in the state, as well as settlements, agrarian reform projects and conservation units. 

Secretariat for Family Agriculture (SAF) will use the structure of the 19 regional units of the Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (AGERP) and will have the direct collaboration of professionals from that organization. It will also have the support of Institute of Colonization and Lands of Maranhão (ITERMA) professionals, in relation to properties located in state settlements. SAF's strategy includes the grouping of municipalities into eight lots, with 12 mobilization and sensitization meetings per lots, with an expected average audience of 50 participants per meeting, mainly leaders or representatives of local organizations with the potential to replicate information in their communities. 

For the execution of the planned activities, the acquisition of computer and furniture equipment for the SAF teams and the AGERP offices allocated to the project will be supported, as well as vehicles for the field monitoring activities to be performed by servants of the secretary and of AGERP. Also, as part of the institutional strengthening, training courses will be held for SAF, AGERP and ITERMA servants who will work on the project.


This project falls under the “Component Monitoring and control" (2) component of the logical framework of the Amazon Fund.

Click on the following image to view its objectives tree, that is, how the project's outputs and linked to the expected outcomes and impact.


Date of approval 12.27.2017
Date of the contract 04.27.2018
Disbursement period 84 months (from the date the contract was signed)


date amount
1º disbursements 12.27.2018 R$95,665.00
2º disbursements 07.29.2019 R$2,766,263.98
3º disbursements 02.21.2020 R$3,717,744.20
4º disbursements 06.28.2021 R$6,843,313.48
Total amount disbursed R$13,422,986.66

Total amount disbursed in relation to the Amazon Fund’s support



Regarding the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (car), after the bidding process, two specialized companies were hired and are operating in the eight lots of the project.

27 state public servants were selected to support and monitor the project, eight lot coordinators and 17 for the insertion of information in the National Rural Environmental Registry System (Sicar).

For the execution of the planned activities, furniture and computer equipment were acquired for the SAF team allocated to the project and for the 19 regional offices of the State Agency for Agricultural Research and Rural Extension of Maranhão (AGERP), in addition to 23 pick-up vehicles to support fieldwork.

For target-audience outreach, mobilization and awareness-building, shirts, caps and visual communication materials (posters, folders and badges) were purchased. Additionally, representatives of the project's management team participated in fairs and eight meetings with consultations and lectures that were attended by 400 small rural producers.

45,376 small family farms with up to four fiscal modules were registered in Sicar, which correspond to 565,795 hectares.


Final Evaluation


In this area we offer some PDF files with the main publications generated by the project. Click the filename to start the download.